Taxes in India can be categorized as direct and indirect taxes. Direct tax is a tax you pay on your income directly to the government. Indirect tax is a tax that somebody else collects on your behalf and pays to the government eg restaurants, theaters and e-commerce websites recover taxes from you on goods you purchase or a service you avail. This tax is, in turn, passed down to the government
An audit is a systematic and independent examination of books, accounts, statutory records, documents and vouchers of an organization to ascertain how far the financial statements as well as non-financial disclosures present a true and fair view of the concern.
Hiring A Full-Time Accountant And HR Personnel Is An Expensive Proposition For Small Companies. In Order To Meet Their Requirements, We At Arvind Soni & Company, Provide Accounting, Payroll And Compliance Services.
Our Team Comprising Of Chartered Accountants and other professionals who Provide A Range Of Services In Consulting All Types of Finance Including Loan For Various Enterprises, Housing Loan, Personal Loan, MSME Loan & Working Capital Loan From Financial Institutions And Banks.
Litigation is the term used to describe proceedings initiated between two opposing parties to enforce or defend a legal right. Litigation is typically settled by agreement between the parties, but may also be heard and decided by a jury or judge in court.
Legal advice is the giving of a professional or formal opinion regarding the substance or procedure of the law in relation to a particular factual situation. The provision of legal advice will often involve analyzing a set of facts and advising a person to take a specific course of action based on the applicable law.
A Trademark Is A Recognizable Insignia (please replace this with an easier word), Phrase Or Symbol That Denotes A Specific Product Or Service And Legally Differentiates It From All Other Products. A Trademark Serves To Exclusively Identify A Product Or Service With A Specific Company, And Is A Recognition Of That Company's Ownership Of The Brand.
Employee Provident Fund(EPF) & Employee Pension Schemes(EPS) are pension offered the government of India to help employees secure their retirement days. The two schemes provide assured returns on your investments and these schemes are particularly designed for salaried employees.
MSME Registration Is Playing Very Important Role For The Small And Medium Business Across India.Numerous Surveys Show That Country’s True Economic Growth Reckoned Not Just On Its Large-Scale Industries And Foreign Investments But Also On Its Small And Medium Level Industries That Also Includes Various Cottage Industries Operating
Our professionals also provide specialized guidance and advice for investment in various insurance schemes of Life Insurance & Medical Insurance which help us to save our taxation as well as health expenses while protecting us from unforeseen circumstances.
Financial Reporting is a an important part of the wealth management. Clients being put first there should be a transparency in all the transactions and matters which is provided by reporting.
Ministry Of Corporate Affairs allows you to file these forms online also. One is the 'Annual Compliance filing' and second is the 'Other Compliance filing'. Below mentioned are certain events where compliance with the Registrar Of Company (ROC) is necessary.
Financial planning is the task of determining how a business will afford to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. Usually, a company creates a Financial Plan immediately after the vision and objectives have been set.
Our tax advisors or tax consultants with advanced training and knowledge of tax law help our clients to minimize taxation while remaining compliant with the law in complicated financial situations.